Monthly Archives: December 2014

Oooh La La!


Oops! I’ve been quieter than I planned. Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and that 2015 will be stupendous and great! Where was I over the holiday?

I spent it with my husband and college-age daughter, in this city:


Eating a lot of these:


And stopping at this awesome place:


We had an amazing and memorable week.

And special for you all because I know you’ll appreciate it -I saw this:


And for anyone who loved ANNA & THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins, I stood here and made a wish:


Oh, and what was I reading that week? This, which was perfect:


Loved this book of twelve perfectly wonderful holiday love stories written by some of my favorite YA authors!

I promise to share my 2014 reading list at the start of the new year. Happy reading and thanks so much for reading this blog. I truly appreciate each and every one of you!